Special Issue with first FReDA data analyses published


CPoS special issue “Family Research and Demographic Analysis – New Insights from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)” published

The SI contains some of the first analyses with FReDA data. It has been guest edited by Martin Bujard (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung), Karsten Hank (University of Cologne) and Reinhard Pollak (GESIS). All articles are peer-reviewed and open access.

FReDA is crucial for future demographic and family research, not only in Germany. The set of five articles illustrates the research potential of the rich data source with respect to, for example, family-related attitudes and actual behaviours, sexual orientations, dyadic analyses, cross-national comparisons and methodological developments. This is just to name a few topics covered: One advantage of FReDA is its large sample size, which allows researchers to assess heterogeneities in the population in great detail. The guest editors suppose that these five SI studies are only the beginning of what they hope will become a new wave of family research and demographic analysis.